Baby-Time Days

It’s been wonderful having Andrew home on paternity leave for the past week, and he’ll be home most of this week too. We are truly on baby time here, and, when Lucia has not descended into fits of screaming—which, fortunately, are rare—we are able to quite enjoy these odd days. On the one hand, we have nothing to do; but on the other, our hands have never been fuller. It’s a strange balance. We’ve been reading a lot; on Friday we watched a movie in the middle of the day; Andrew is watching a lot of college football; Saturday night we watched the votes come in for the House vote on the healthcare bill. We nap and eat and go to bed at 9pm.

Then there are the moments when Lucia is inconsolable and we’re both hovering over her frantically, trying to determine the source of her unhappiness. Andrew’s legs are sore from doing so much bouncing and swaying. By the end of the day I generally have milk and/or spit-up on most articles of my clothing. On one recent night, I had to change pj’s twice.

So baby time goes both ways. I am really trying to just be in it, to just enjoy or note every moment. Lucia will be a month old this week—already it’s going so fast.


Sara said…
Do you have one of those big inflatable exercise balls? I have one that I've never used for exercising, but it's great for sitting on to bounce a fussy baby! Congratulations, hang in there, and enjoy! It does go so fast.