The Baptism, and Wedding #3
Today we concluded our church adventure by getting Lucia baptized and participating in our third wedding ceremony. Yes, that’s right—third. More on that in a moment. Mom and Dad arrived late last night and were, of course, thrilled to see the baby bright and early this morning. We drove to the church for our 9:30 appointment with the deacon. After Andrew and I got married again, at the altar, we proceeded to the back of the church to the baptismal font. Lucia was a model baby for the baptism, looking up curiously as the deacon poured the water over her head without so much as a peep. She looked adorable, if I do say so myself, in a little white dress and white sweater Mom picked out for her. She also has a new bonnet. It is officially too much. And Lucia is now, in my dad’s words, officially churched. Whether we or she pursues anything further on this Catholic path remains to be seen; but I’m glad we’ve given her a jumping-off point for whatever she chooses in the future. So, yes, our ...