Monday, January 27

Worked from home and had a pretty busy day. Being busy is good. I picked Lucia up from track, read, tidied up the house to prepare for the cleaners tomorrow. We had dinner when Greta got home from crew. Just anxious to get to Wednesday.

Still so much hair shedding. It seems incredible that you can't tell. At least not yet. I mean, there is not an infinite amount of hair on my head; at some point the shedding will either stop, or it won't. Scalp cooling doesn't work for everyone. But from what I've read, if I were going to actually lose all my hair, this is the time when it would happen. Any stranger looking at me at wouldn't be able to see much difference from how a non-chemo-patient's hair looks. Hope it stays this way. But honestly, if it doesn't, it's the very least important thing. I will deal with it and then it will grow back. I'll transfer my vanity to the dramatic press-on nails Molly has provided.

Tomorrow I'm going into the office for the first time since November. We'll see how it goes. 
