Tuesday, January 21
Remote school day because of extreme cold. The kids didn't have too much to do, and it really was just another day at home. They did the little work they were assigned, read, worked on a story (Greta), and Facetimed with a friend about mystical predictions (Lucia).
Besides working, I also put together two Snapfish photo books of family photos from 2023 and 2024--I make one every year and was a little behind. It was unsettling to look through a year's worth of pictures from 2024, all those fun events and memories, knowing that through it all I was completely oblivious to the ticking bomb that would, come November, blow up my entire life.
Of course we finished off the day with a bunch of episodes of Lost. It's getting more and more incomprehensible and strange, but also fantastic. We are so invested in these characters.