The Volvo Clause
Who knew our Volvo would open so many doors for us? We always feel an surge of affection when we happen to park next to a similarly well-worn Volvo in a parking lot, or drive past one on the road. And now we’re convinced our car is what ultimately led our new landlord to accept us over other potential tenants. When we first got the lease, the landlord asserted that he couldn’t wait to introduce us to another couple who rent another of his properties nearby. “I think you’ll get along great,” he said. “They have a Volvo.” And last night at the house, our landlord let it slip that he once owned 6 Volvos (old ones, not new ones) at one time. I’m not sure why—I came into the conversation late—but all I know is that we probably shouldn’t get rid of our car for the duration of our lease. I didn’t look at it too closely; but I wonder now if there’s some sort of Volvo-requirement clause.