
The weird, vivid dreams are back. I had tons of them early in my pregnancy, and now, here at the end, they’ve started up again. This time, besides being incredibly strange, they’re also extremely physical—even though they’re about sensations I couldn’t possibly understand yet.

In one dream, I gave birth to twins. I was surprised, but it was a happy dream, free from anxiety—despite the fact that the babies weren’t babies but rat-like creatures. As I breastfed one of the rats, it morphed into a baby.

In another, I gave birth yet again to twins. I held one of them in my hand adoringly, even though it wasn’t a baby but a small figurine of a baby wrapped in a tiny, tiny blanket; it was no bigger than my palm. Then I began breastfeeding a normal-sized baby.

The night before last, I dreamed that Andrew and I were gazing out at an ocean experiencing tsunami-like waves. At the crest of each wave were groups of killer whales. Some of the whales began washing up on shore, coming dangerously close to us. I was scared and panicked.

Last night, I dreamed that Andrew and I were at home—but it wasn’t our home; it was my grandmother’s old house in Vanderbilt, PA—and I felt the baby drop so dramatically that I could feel her head between my legs. My reaction to this was to punch my fist in the air victoriously. Then we went to a mall to walk around to see if I could progress my labor. We walked into a bridal department full of silky, beautiful gowns. Then we walked through a food court selling nothing but donuts. A guy who seemed to be a friend of ours approached us and offered me some coleslaw in a Tupperware container, since I couldn’t have donuts. We all laughed.

When I woke up from that dream this morning, I really felt like I was going to go into labor—that’s how real and vivid the feelings were. But no labor yet.
