Center of Attention

Aside from when Lucia is napping or asleep for the night, there are very, very few moments during the day when Andrew and I are not interacting with her in some way. We play on her floor gym; we do tummy time; we chirp at ourselves in the bathroom mirror; we swat at things in our bouncy chair; we read; we make faces at each other on the couch; we feed; we walk around the house; we look out the window; we lie on the bed.

But sometimes, sometimes, I deign to multitask. This morning, as Lucia played on her floor gym, batting around jingling objects, I ate some nut bread and tried to read the paper. I was right on the floor next to her, but, I admit, I was not gazing at her intently. Suddenly, the jingling stopped, and I looked over. Lucia was giving me a slight baby-frown. Then she turned her eyes to the newspaper, and I swear she gave it a dirty look. She was not the center of attention, and she was not amused.

Later today, as she was breastfeeding intently, I slowly, surreptitiously, reached over for a magazine. She didn’t notice. But then I lifted the magazine, turned a page, and began reading. Abruptly, she stopped eating, pulled away, and stared up at me. “This won’t do,” she seemed to be saying. “I’m so cute when I eat. You must gaze down at me in adoration. No reading.” As soon as I lowered the magazine, she gave me a brilliant smile and returned to her meal.


PletcherFamily said…
That's a first child for you! Arlington STILL demands our attention more than the other two. We did the same thing. Go ahead and read - you will be better off later. :)