In Motion
Things are in motion, frenetically. We spent the weekend fielding calls and emails from Craigslist buyers, and sold our washer, refrigerator, desk, printer, canning jars, and dining room table and chairs. This was sad. Our house looks empty without that table (the appliances will stay with us until we move), and I was really sorry to sell it. But it’s just so big—completely unrealistic to imagine bringing it to NYC. And storing it until we buy a house would turn it into a really, really expensive table, and if/when we’re ready for a really, really expensive table, we’d like to pick one out purposefully.
We also returned all the stuff people have lent us, took a big carload to Goodwill, and sold a big box of books to a used bookstore. We’re very nearly down to the bare bones of our belongings—which is still a lot. But there are no more drawers or bags of “misc.,” which is an accomplishment; all the misc. has been discarded or otherwise organized, and it feels good to have things in order for once.
Of course, “in order” doesn’t mean “orderly,” and we’re truly in the midst of a mess. And then there’s the roof—I had to leave the house today, which was actually shaking from all the hammering, and spent about six hours wandering around the Fountains, a shopping plaza (where Lucia had a one-hour nap, thank goodness), and the mall. I was a bit frantic by the end of it, Lucia refused to take a second nap, and I headed home. Fortunately, after an hour more, the work was done for today. I’m going to spend some time tomorrow at a friend’s house instead of the mall.
Amidst all the chaos, both present and impending, is a thin, vibrating nerve of anticipation; I am getting so excited to start this new adventure. Everything will arrive and get unpacked eventually…The main thing now is to get ready, get out, and just get to the city. This may be the biggest move we’ve ever made.
We also returned all the stuff people have lent us, took a big carload to Goodwill, and sold a big box of books to a used bookstore. We’re very nearly down to the bare bones of our belongings—which is still a lot. But there are no more drawers or bags of “misc.,” which is an accomplishment; all the misc. has been discarded or otherwise organized, and it feels good to have things in order for once.
Of course, “in order” doesn’t mean “orderly,” and we’re truly in the midst of a mess. And then there’s the roof—I had to leave the house today, which was actually shaking from all the hammering, and spent about six hours wandering around the Fountains, a shopping plaza (where Lucia had a one-hour nap, thank goodness), and the mall. I was a bit frantic by the end of it, Lucia refused to take a second nap, and I headed home. Fortunately, after an hour more, the work was done for today. I’m going to spend some time tomorrow at a friend’s house instead of the mall.
Amidst all the chaos, both present and impending, is a thin, vibrating nerve of anticipation; I am getting so excited to start this new adventure. Everything will arrive and get unpacked eventually…The main thing now is to get ready, get out, and just get to the city. This may be the biggest move we’ve ever made.