The Cooler

Moving from a big house to a smallish apartment has been a challenge, but we did pretty well in selling most of our big unnecessary stuff—refrigerator, enormous dining room table, etc.—before leaving California. Nevertheless, a lot of small things managed to get packed and moved, and we keep stumbling upon them as we complete our unpacking and organizing. A few nights ago, we opened our big Igloo cooler (yes, this made the move) and found the following assortment of items, which had both of us laughing out loud:

a bag of 100 Ikea tealights
wire clippers (they look like giant scissors)
an Energy Smart 60W lightbulb
bottle of Turtle Wax
bottle of wood glue
can of WD-40
swimming goggles
a small battery-operated fan that also mists water
window-screen cutters, for making your own window screens
air-mattress inflater
bottle of fabric glue
an iron

We hurriedly put everything (except the iron) right back into the cooler. Seems as good a place for such things as any.
