A Tale of Two Evenings
Here’s a little game. Let’s see if you can guess which of the following Sunday evenings Andrew and I experienced this week:
Evening #1
We’re invited to a black-tie Grammys party in a suite at the Staples Center. Andrew rents a great tux, I get a sexy new dress that is not in any way conducive to breastfeeding, and we fly to L.A. for the night. We drink champagne and eat glamorous snacks and see Bon Jovi live, singing “Livin’ on a Prayer” right along with him as we gaze down at the stage below. We smugly congratulate ourselves on having such a spectacular evening out.
Evening #2
We spend most of the day car-shopping, and then car-deliberating, and spend the evening in Roseville. Andrew attempts to make a Dungeness crab bisque while Lucia, aka Fusskins, whines constantly for approximately four hours. It’s the kind of whine that’s exhausting simply to listen to. We’re so tired and frustrated that we decide to wait to have the bisque until after she’s in bed. Putting her to bed is, of course, a trial, with lots of screaming. By the time we eat dinner we’re nearly comatose from hunger. Soon we, too, fall asleep.
Evening #2! We actually were invited to that black-tie party in a suite at the Staples Center, but obviously it was impossible to go, though we wondered whether Lucia would have been welcome if I’d worn her in a sequined sling. Of course we wouldn’t trade Lucia for a night at the Grammys, even for a live Bon Jovi performance. But it was just funny to watch the show on TV while all the whining was going on and think wistfully—yes, wistfully! just for a second, wistfully—that we could have been there.
Evening #1
We’re invited to a black-tie Grammys party in a suite at the Staples Center. Andrew rents a great tux, I get a sexy new dress that is not in any way conducive to breastfeeding, and we fly to L.A. for the night. We drink champagne and eat glamorous snacks and see Bon Jovi live, singing “Livin’ on a Prayer” right along with him as we gaze down at the stage below. We smugly congratulate ourselves on having such a spectacular evening out.
Evening #2
We spend most of the day car-shopping, and then car-deliberating, and spend the evening in Roseville. Andrew attempts to make a Dungeness crab bisque while Lucia, aka Fusskins, whines constantly for approximately four hours. It’s the kind of whine that’s exhausting simply to listen to. We’re so tired and frustrated that we decide to wait to have the bisque until after she’s in bed. Putting her to bed is, of course, a trial, with lots of screaming. By the time we eat dinner we’re nearly comatose from hunger. Soon we, too, fall asleep.
Evening #2! We actually were invited to that black-tie party in a suite at the Staples Center, but obviously it was impossible to go, though we wondered whether Lucia would have been welcome if I’d worn her in a sequined sling. Of course we wouldn’t trade Lucia for a night at the Grammys, even for a live Bon Jovi performance. But it was just funny to watch the show on TV while all the whining was going on and think wistfully—yes, wistfully! just for a second, wistfully—that we could have been there.