Who Needs Naps?

Lucia, once a stellar napper, is now on day two of an afternoon nap strike. Yesterday, she napped for no more than half an hour, and only under duress. We had a screamy, whiney, hysterical evening with our little Fusskins. Today, she napped fine in the morning…fell asleep in the car as I returned from meeting a friend for lunch…and then refused to nap at all from about 1pm on. I rocked her, bounced her, fed her, fed her some more, left her in her crib, put her in her bouncey chair, and still nothing. She keeps looking at me and grinning, wiggling about good-naturedly, but in about one hour I know full well what we’ll be in for. Sigh.

I’m tempted to blame her sleeplessness on the brownies I’ve been eating, but blaming her moods on foods is how I’ve come to find myself eating a diet free of dairy, broccoli, tomatoes, and citrus, so I’m loathe to eliminate anything else without any hard scientific proof…
