Letter to Greta: 25 Months

Dear Little Grets,

This later is late, and I have only you to blame, little one. This is just a fact of life right now: you are taxing. You take all our energy and then some. Most nights the last thing I can think about is writing a blog post. You have fully embraced Being Two, and we've entered a stage where everything--each piece of daily life--is a challenge. The hardest things are changing your diaper, putting on your clothes, putting on your socks, putting on your shoes, putting on your coat, getting you into your car seat. Unfortunately, these are all the things we have to do pretty much on a daily basis--usually more than once a day. This might be the winter that we just never leave the house.

You're also getting frustrated with talking. You know so many words, and are putting two and three together--but you are more or less unintelligible. The three of us--Daddy, me, and Lucia--understand almost everything, but occasionally you stump us, and this makes you very angry. We're finally taking you in for a speech evaluation in January. You had a hearing evaluation a few weeks ago, which you passed with flying colors. So we'll see what happens. I'm worried, but not overly so, since you are still very little.

You have become a little dancing machine. When I put music on, your whole face lights up, and you immediately start dancing enthusiastically--you put your whole body into it, lifting your feet, swaying, bouncing, spinning. It is adorable. You like wearing dress-up clothes and having dance parties with Lucia.

You are sleeping through the night most nights, sometimes waking up for your pacifier but sometimes not. You get up around 6:45am, which has been great. You're napping for 1.5-2 hours each afternoon. You are still a phenomenal eater, though now and then you boycott a meal entirely. We let it slide. At your two-year checkup you were off the charts for height and in the 50th percentile for weight, so you are clearly getting exactly what you need.

You are open and loving, always saying hello and goodbye to people, asking anyone who comes into the house for a hug and kiss before they go.

Don't get me wrong, little banana: you're too adorable for words and make us laugh every day. But if I had to use one word to summarize you right now, it would be a shrill, screamed "NO!!!"

Favorite books: Brown Bear Brown Bear, Christmas Trolls, Gingerbread Baby, Too Many Kittens, Ho Hum

Favorite toys/activities: coloring in your Sophia the First coloring book, Magiclip princesses, gingerbread girl stuffed animal, plush jack-o-lantern, stickers, painting, Sofia the First, mermaids
