It Begins Tomorrow
It begins tomorrow. And by "it" I mean "summer," the most glorious season of the year. Long, free days. Poolside reading. Family vacations. Warm weather. Sundresses. Mornings of crafts. Shopping excursions. Walks in the park. Bike rides.
Of course, with two tweens, there will also be many hours of bickering and stubbornness and refusal to engage in magical summer fun. That's okay. Already, this weekend, there were hints that things will be okay: an entirely free Saturday found the girls in the basement, pulling out the water beads and filling a large bin with water. They also resurrected some plastic gemstones, and were trading gems for stickers. Just idle, unstructured fun with things they hadn't thought about for a while. I'm sure there will be lots more of that alongside the other moments, the ones that reliably have me yelling at least once per summer that I'm sending them away to camp.
As usual, I'll be posting here daily throughout the summer to document how we spend our days. Whenever I have cause to go back and see posts from past summers, I'm always overwhelming happy to have the record. What did we DO all summer, the kids might one day ask. And I'll be able to hand them the hardbound posts from this blog as an answer.
It's cool and rainy today, not really the mood of summer vacation. One more day to enjoy the quiet house.