Nutmeg Takes a Stand (Against Cheap Hay)
We spent today doing more 3D drawing, playing Rummikub, and reading. We tried to go read in our hammocks but a SNAKE was blocking our path. The worst of all WILDLIFE. So we read in chairs in the yard. The girls and I took a walk around the pond trying to spot snapping turtles (we didn't see any). We haven't yet been in the pond--we still haven't inflated our boat-rafts--and I think once we do we'll get out there. But I'm 95% sure the kids won't be actually swimming in the pond this year because of the clear evidence of the snappers. I told Andrew last year that I suspected it was the last year the kids would want to swim in the pond--and I was right. I mean, I can't blame them. I've never swum in the pond. It's very pleasant to just float around on a boat-raft, safe from what lies beneath.
Later this afternoon, we ran a few errands in West Lebanon and had dinner at the Weathervane. One of my errands was going to an exotic pet store to get hay for Nutmeg. Today she decided to boycott the hay we'd gotten her from Tractor Supply when we arrived--granted, it wasn't very good hay, certainly inferior to the delux, special-order hay I get her at home. Bunnies have a lot of power, because if they decide to stop eating their hay, it means their GI systems come to a halt and they stop pooping, and if this goes on for too long they go into GI stasis and can die in an alarmingly short amount of time. So. Fortunately this pet store had Oxbow brand hay, and Nutmeg deigned to accept it, and began pooping all over her room again. We praised her and celebrated. Crisis averted.
I wouldn't let the kids (or myself) look at the rabbits for sale at the pet store. "LOOK ONLY AT THE HAY," I instructed them.
What We're Reading
Lucia - Dead Girls Don't Have Secrets (or Dead Girls Can't Tell Lies--I forget and I don't want to go upstairs and check; it's a YA thriller)
Greta - Magnus Chase #2 by Rick Riordan
Margo - Special Topics in Calamity Physics
Andrew - Civiil War hayfields
Read aloud - Little Women