Regular Day
Cold and rainy today. No sun all day. The girls did all of their daily summer work--Duolingo, Typing Club, Khan Academy / Matific--and we went for a mile run. Even Farrah does these runs with us, running free on the road, wearing herself out. We spent a lot of time reading our books, part of the time with Nutmeg flopping around us in her room or, sometimes, hopping onto our books. We played Pickup Sticks and Chinese Checkers, and did a 500-piece puzzle. Lucia played chess and checkers with Andrew between his work calls. After dinner (sausage/potatoes/carrots), we went out for ice cream, the first Maple Creamees of the season.
It was nice to stay inside all day and avoid potential wildlife encounters. We did pass four deer on the road when we drove home tonight, but deer are acceptable.
What We're Reading
Lucia - finished Stand Up, Yumi Chung!
Greta - finished The Lion on Mars
Margo - Pachinko
Andrew - Civil War / hay
Read aloud - Little Women