Saturday, March 1

I picked Greta up from her sleepover this morning, and then she, Lucia, and I caught up on last night's The Way Home plus and episode of Lost. Then Greta took a nap and Lucia began preparing for her semi-formal. Andrew and I took Farrah on a long walk in Schenley--it was bitter cold outside but we persevered. Then we spent some time planning our New York trip, booking all our dinners. 

Tonight was the Upper School's semi-formal at Heinz History Center. Three of Lucia's friends came over for pictures beforehand, and Andrew drove them to the dance. Lucia's dress was so cute--very long and shimmery metallic Barbie pink, with a corset back, plus very high black heels. She looked beautiful. 

Greta hung out at home with the pets while Andrew and I went to the club for dinner with the Clarks. I hadn't been up there for months, since my diagnosis; I miss taking tennis lessons. I'll get back to it later this spring.

Laundry and groceries and plant watering filled the rest of this Saturday. I also crocheted a pot of gold with a rainbow.
