Saturday, February 15

We left this morning and drove to Connellsville to stay with Mom and Dad for the long weekend. Farrah and Nutmeg came too, of course. Andrew was annoyed that the car was as overpacked as it would be if we were going away for a week, bragging that he'd brought only one duffel bag and his work bag. We all got to laugh later on when Andrew realized he hadn't packed any pajamas. Overpackers for the win.

Mom and I went for a wonderful and long-awaited visit with old friends (hello, A. family) while the kids hung out with Dad at home. Later, we went to Gabe's and Goodwill, with very little success. Mom, Dad, and I reminisced about the Gabe's of yesteryear and recalled our favorite finds. I can remember things I got at Gabe's going all the way back to the Gabe's on Pittsburgh Street. Those bargains are some of my core memories. 

I quietly snickered while writing that last line. But it's true. Maybe I'll write a post about them.

We got home and discovered Farrah had vomited two times on the rug. I'll spare readers the details, but it required me and Andrew to go to Martin's for some rug-cleaning supplies. Pet ownership. (Farrah is fine.) 

Mom made manicotti for dinner, and we gave Mom and Dad their birthday presents (belated for Mom, early for Dad). Then we all watched Little Miss Sunshine, one of the best movies ever. The kids generally hate taking movie suggestions from us, but we forced them to watch it and promised they'd love it, and they did. 

My stomach is feeling better, a relief. I realize I had stomach discomfort at exactly this time during the last chemo cycle--could be coincidence, or it could be just be the timeline in which my body processes the poison. Who knows. 
