Tuesday, February 25

Regular work day and I'm feeling pretty much back to normal. Really it's the whole weekend plus Monday that I need to get fully back on my feet.

We're planning our NYC trip--Andrew is figuring out our hotel tonight and then we'll start booking what we what to see and do. I was wrong about the last time I was in NYC. I was there in September 2023 for Mom and Dad's fiftieth, but we also went in August 2022 for a long weekend to go to the U.S. Open. Still, not much time at all. It will be good to make an extended visit.

The cleaners were here today so I kept to the attic with the pets. At one point I simply couldn't find Nutmeg at all; when I looked again, she was under the guest bed. 

Tomorrow I have an appointment for a wig selection at Hillman, a free service offered to Cancer Center patients (Magee patients are among them). We'll see if I find something suitable. I'm not looking to make a statement with this wig. Just whatever is closest to my former and future hair. I don't like the state of my thinned hair; time to try the next thing. 
