Tuesday, February 11

I went into the office for almost the whole day today and was very busy. Good distraction from--everything. I hate having to go out with my makeshift head covering, but it is what it is. 

It was otherwise just a mildly chaotic day, with Andrew out of town. Greta and I had to get Nutmeg into her carrier to carry her to the attic for the day, out of harm's way while the cleaners were here. Of course she refused to go into the carrier, too smart to fall for the throw-a-treat-in strategy. So that was a little chaos for the morning. She did eventually go in and then we had to carry all of her things upstairs--litter box, water, etc etc. Then there was trash to take out, and recycling to organize, and cars to move back into the driveway, and two kid pickups, and dinner, and walking Farrah. Greta said she feels like she's getting a cold, so I've been wearing my mask around the house--so unpleasant but better than getting sick. 

I've made the bold decision to delete the NY Times app from my phone. I just can't look at it so obsessively anymore. The news is taking its toll and I have enough to think about right now. The only true perfect distraction is Lost, but the kids have HOMEWORK and ACTIVITIES and it's a SCHOOL NIGHT so we've been unable to watch. 
