Thursday, February 13

I worked from home today, and the kids had the day off for a long President's Day weekend, which meant we were able to squeeze in a Lunch n' Lost. They had piano lessons tonight and then we settled in for more Lost in front of the fire. In the middle of a very intense scene, Farrah somehow got behind a side table and pulled the lamp onto the floor. We all screamed as the lamp flickered out. 

I took first steps today toward getting an appointment with the world expert in my form of cancer, a doctor at MD Anderson in Houston. He's considered the "father" of low-grade ovarian cancer (LGSOC), since he was the one to first identify that it is very different from the more common high-grade type, and nearly everyone in the low-grade ovarian cancer Facebook group I'm part of sees him--either as a primary oncologist or as a second opinion or consultant for treatment, flying in from all over the world. Once my chemo is done, I'm hoping to have him look at where I stand and confirm that continuing on in the study with Letrozole is the right thing for my specific situation. There are so many treatments out there. 

The person I talked with today offered me an appointment in two weeks--amazingly fast, but not right for me since I'm still in the middle of chemo--and told me to just call at the end of March to make an appointment that will fall after my final chemo treatment. I'm glad it seems like it'll be easy to get an appointment. I definitely want the LGSOC world expert to be part of my cancer-fighting team.
