Tuesday, February 18
The hardest day of the chemo cycle is the day before chemo. So much uncertainty. I went in early this morning for pre-chemo blood work, and, as expected, got all the results except the CA-125. Most of the numbers are in normal range, with a few outliers that I'll ask about tomorrow. Are they alarming? Normal? Expected? Surprising? This is where having an English degree instead of a medical degree is really detrimental. The test results are all numbers, no narrative. (The only narrative lies in a Google search, which I know by now is the last place I should be looking if I want to have any hope of managing my anxiety.)
Greta went to crew tonight and then worked on an essay about apple snails. Lucia had musical rehearsal and then worked on memorizing a passage from Macbeth. Andrew made a roast chicken for dinner. I cleaned out and organized the spice cabinet to avoid thinking about test results.
It was a busy day, and now it's over, and tomorrow I'll see the CA-125 and mark the chemo halfway point.