Summer: Friday 7-12-24

Truly, the week has been a blur. Lucia and Andrew (and Dad, via phone) have been working on geometry, and today was a milestone in this process--Lucia has finished all the course content. Good thing, because today was the deadline. She's scheduled her exam for next Friday. We have two Pop-Pop in-person study sessions lined up, and Andrew has blocked his calendar, refusing a trip to Peru until the following week, so she'll have lots of support and review. 

Other than that, it's been hot; I've been at work; I've done my C25K run/walks on schedule. I still absolutely hate these sessions, especially now that they have me running for 8 minutes at a stretch, but there have been a few palm-sized baby buns this week, which keeps me going (except when I stop running to coo over and talk to the buns).

Greta has been occupying herself with re-learning the cup song from Pitch Perfect, creating altars around her room in worship of her current favorite books, occasionally crying over the tragic deaths/fates of characters in said books, texting her bookish friends about the emotional trauma wrought by the books, and of course reading. 

I read on the porch after work today, which was delightful.

What We're Reading

Margo: Long Island Compromise

Andrew: Proust

Lucia: still working on #3 in the Court of Whatever and Whathaveyou

Greta: rereading some favorites


Marion Goold said…
Hello,Margo, Andrew, Lucia & Greta!
I discovered your yearly NH blog & have spent an hour bingeing your whole vaca.
Loved seeing the place again & it brought back lovely memories of my time there with Kris & Robert & your family.
I say this often but I'm so glad that I have access to your blog, Margo.It's a
wonderful way for me to keep up with your family.
Have a great rest of the summer!
Love, Marion