Summer: Monday 7-22-24

I forgot to mention that last night the girls and I watched the new Descendents movie, #4, The Rise of Red. It was not good, not good at all. So disappointing, especially after how much we all loved the first two. We watched the first Descendants movie when Lucia was five and Greta was three, and I can't even count how many times we watched that and the second one. They were Mal and Uma for Halloween one year. But this new one was, I think, one Descendants too many. 

I had to work today but worked from home for the afternoon. We played Unstable Unicorns. Greta baked sugar cookies. Lucia baked brownies. We watched a few episodes of Schitt's Creek tonight--Lucia had heard about it from friends. I forgot how much I love this show.

What We're Reading

Margo: The Sequel

Andrew: who knows where Andrew even is right now

Lucia: Throne of Glass

Greta: rereading something that I'm sure isn't too different from "Fall of the Wicked Thorn Queen" 
