Summer: Saturday 7-6-24 and Sunday 7-7-24

Saturday was so hot. Just absolutely blazing. It poured in the morning, and we thought that would cool things off, but somehow it just intensified the heat. Andrew claims he enjoys the heat, but the girls and I could barely move. Could barely think or function. It was stifling in the house; I worried for the pets. The kids swam in the pond a lot, doing a lot of filming of themselves jumping off the dock into the water, and got some terrifying up-close photos of the turtle. Later in the afternoon, we went for a swim in our cousin's pool--I felt like this swim actually saved my life. 

It was hard to do anything in heat like that, but unfortunately we had to do ALL the things, since it was our last day and we had to unwind ourselves from the house: take down the hammocks, take down the swing, deflate all the inflatables, take down the rope across the pond, put all the yard furniture into the barn, wash all the sheets and towels, pack, clean, clean out the fridge, make lunches for the car. Endless activity. It was torture.

We went out to dinner at Pizza Chef, and then for a final maple creamee. Then we came home and did still more cleanup.

I'm so glad our whole trip wasn't this hot. We would have been miserable. 

Sunday--today--we got up at 5:00am and were on the road by 6:30. We stopped a few times but made it home by 5:00pm. It's such a long drive, and the pets were so unhappy in the car, but we made it home. Air conditioning! Showers! 

It was a magical and amazing two weeks. Now onward with the summer. Re-entry is always hard; it always seems like a little miracle that we manage to steal these weeks to get away and so sad that they're over. We made the most of it. Family camp. 

These are photos of all the books the girls and I read in New Hampshire. Some pretty epic reading this year.

Margo's books:

Greta's books:

Lucia's books:
