Summer: Monday 7-8-24 and Tuesday 7-9-24

Back in real life, where the days seem insanely short and busy and there's no time to read. Monday Andrew went to work and I worked from home. Lucia toiled at geometry--she has to finish the coursework by the end of the week. 

After work I went to the eye clinic at Mercy Hospital to try to find a solution for the stye that won't go away. I came away with a prescription for steroid eye drops and an appointment for a surgical procedure in one month if those don't help. I DO NOT WANT to do this procedure. In desperation, I placed an Amazon order for a couple of things that random strangers have recommended on Reddit. Who knows? Maybe one of them will work.

Today Andrew and I both went to work but Andrew came home early because the AC in his office was broken and it's hot as Hades here. We did sneak out to the pool after work for a quick dip while Lucia took a break from geometry. At some point today, Lucia kept Pop-Pop on the phone for hours helping with geometry. Don't you love these independent teens? (Don't you, Dad?) She's back at it now, with Andrew. 

She actually asked me for help on Monday, skeptically, almost tauntingly, and I was able to answer her question! Don't tell Andrew or he'll make me sub in for him. I can hear them in the other room, doing proofs, and I am steering WELL CLEAR of all that. 

Greta spent the day re-organizing her desk. Yesterday she baked a chocolate cake from scratch. She's happy as clam just relaxing in her room, with both pets hanging out with her. (The AC in her and Lucia's rooms is the coldest in the house. The pets like that.)

And now it's after 9pm and I haven't read anything today. How? Why? Where do the hours go in our comfortable, air-conditioned home? I'll never understand it. 

What We're Reading

Margo: Long Island Compromise by Taffy Brodesser-Akner

Andrew: Proust

Lucia: A Court of Doves and Details or whatever the heck her current book is called

Greta: she's re-reading some favorites she missed while we were away
