Summer: Sunday 7-21-24

The girls and I went to Target and Trader Joe's this morning. Greta needed some running shorts and we got groceries for the week. I spent a lot of the day food prepping, which is something I always say I want to do and then never actually do. But today I made slow-cooker burrito chicken, two batches of brown rice, roasted eggplant, roasted zucchini, pico de Gallo, a Greek salad, homemade tzatziki, and cilantro pesto. These components will make up a few days of rice bowls of varying types, which I think will be delicious and something the girls will probably (grudgingly) eat. Tonight we had burrito bowls.

When I wasn't cooking, I read a lot on the porch today while Lucia had a couple of friends over, and did my best to avoid losing the day to CNN. What a day of politics. Lucia told me she and her friends decided they'd "probably get through their freshman year" before the education system shuts down and we all have to move out of the country. "At least we can read books," Greta said, looking on the bright side. "But there won't be any books," Lucia said ominously. Looks like the dark, dystopian view of what is potentially to come is not limited to middle-aged moms who are planning how best to protect their daughters from living in the Handmaid's Tale! I reassured the girls that they would most likely be able to continue going to school and that today's turn of events, though heartbreaking, is ultimately reason for optimism. 

But I digress! Back to my book! Back to my batch-cooking! 

What We're Reading

Margo: The Sequel by Jean Hanff Korelitz

Andrew: he's journeying through Peru so his reading of his snoozey history book is likely minimal

Lucia: Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas

Greta: still rereading, though she likes my made-up titles, so tonight I'll offer "The Heir of Crows and Ravens" and "The Crown of Ravensthrone" (I made up a bunch while we walked Farrah tonight and Greta confirmed that she'd devour every one of these books if they were actually real)

Side note: Lucia tonight asked me to order her a book called something like the "Wealthy Fae" and honestly--I just can't with these fantasy novels. I've never read or understood this genre. Both girls are now obsessed, along with their bookish friends, one of whom told me today that the series Lucia wants to read next is even more amazing than the series she just finished because there are dragons in it. 
