Summer Day #2


Half-day of school for Lucia in the morning (her last day)

Play date for Greta and a friend at Orchard Park. Greta learned how to jump onto and descend a fire pole.

Attempt to play some board games foiled by general noncooperation and Greta's meltdown. Angry lecture about the value of their summer of freedom, the extreme privilege of staying home all summer, and the ominous hovering spectre of being sent to camp for THE ENTIRE SUMMER IF THEY DIDN'T SHAPE UP. *daily moment of stellar parenting*

Extended Greta meltdown while Lucia and I cleared insane pollen / tree detritus from the driveway with a leaf blower

Lucia and Greta took bikes out of the garage and cleaned them with a bin of water and sponges

Running through the sprinkler

Dinner on the patio

Walked to town for frozen yogurt while Andrew was out in the city for a work dinner. The walk home was eventful because both girls discovered the ability to make dramatic tiger / dragon sounds by gurgling their spit.
