Summer: Tues. 7/7 (NH)

These days pass in long spells of pleasantness. Andrew had to work for most of the day today, so it wasn't a day of pleasantness for him, sadly. But the girls and I started off the day with a long hike in the creek. Well, first there was a long period of my trying to get them to go for a hike, but all they wanted to do was read. Eventually they put down their books and off we went. We waded for a long distance, looking for good stones to paint and cool things for their cabinet of curiosities. We found some dead moths, a butterfly wing, some quartz, and some lichen.

We went home for lunch, and then we retreated to our hammocks in the woods for a couple of hours to read. This is by far the most peaceful part of New Hampshire. The only downside is that I didn't bring enough books--shocking, I know, since I filled an entire tote bag. But reading for these long long spells means I'm tearing through them.

After our hammock time, the kids wanted to go down to the pond. They swam and played on various floats for about two hours. That's what I'm saying--each activity is languid, elongated. We spend as much time as we want doing each thing. Farrah was with me, hanging out suspiciously under my chair while the kids screamed and toppled off their stacks of floats. I'm so glad they love the pond. I wish I loved actually swimming in it, but I don't. I don't like squishing up to my ankles when I step in. I don't like the slimy strands of algae. I don't like the pond critters. I do like floating in the raft. But that's as far as I go.

Back at the house, the kids had some ice cream for a pre-dinner snack while I read Harry Potter to them. Then they played with Legos while I made pesto for dinner, and Andrew and I played with Farrah outside.

Tonight I watched a virtual reading of an author whose book I just read and enjoyed.

A good New Hampshire day.
