Summer: Wed. 7/8 (NH)

Today was stiflingly hot and threatened rain all morning. We read in the woods, had lunch, the kids took a quick dip in the pond, and then it started raining. We did some rock painting of the rocks we'd collected during yesterday's creek hike. Greta painted some mice and a cat; Lucia did letter-stones spelling out CUTIE TOWN LOUNGE, to accompany all the cute foods she painted on stones last time; I painted a couple of small houses. Outside, it poured.

The girls and I and Farrah took a walk after the downpour, all the way up the road, and we saw SEVEN red efts. This was pretty amazing. In all our years here, I'd only seen one, and that was probably seven years ago. Then we saw the red eft in the woods a couple of days ago. But today they were everywhere--mostly in pairs, and so tiny. They are blazingly orange, impossible to miss in the wet weeds by the road. Both kids let them crawl into their hands.

Then the kids played with Legos and I read a little while Andrew ran a couple of errands in town.

We ate dinner outside--steaks and hot dogs on the grill--with rain threatening the whole time. Tonight, I Facetimed into a book club, a Maplewood club that I visited to discuss Vagabond several years ago. I love talking about Four Points. (I love it even more now that we sold the house at the heart of it.)

Tomorrow we have our annual river-rafting adventure. We'll wear masks while being transported to the entry point, and then we'll be completely alone and fine. We're all excited to be sportier than we are* for the entire rest of the year.

(*I am)

And a friendly reminder:
